Master Gardeners Attend 2018 Port Hope Fair

The Port Hope Fair Days from September 14 to 16, 2018 provided some great exposure for our NMG group and certainly helped fulfill our mandate to encourage the love of gardening.  This year for the first time, NMG was asked to be in charge of the Flower Show.  Committee members, Judy Harris, Joy Cullen and Ann Slemming went to work last February revising the entry categories for the Fair Booklet and finding sponsors to provide the prizes.  Before the fair opened, they were on hand to receive the entries, answer questions and help the judges by recording information and pinning on prize ribbons.  At the end of the show, they supervised the removal f the entries and cleaned up the display.

Master Gardeners value meeting the public and having a great time.

Our advice clinic booth was located in the Flower Show area, where we volunteers could wander, introduce ourselves, answer questions and water exhibits where needed.  As expected, the complimentary bags of tulip bulbs were well received, initiated many interesting questions and provided an opportunity to chat.  Many visitors seemed familiar with our clinics and many had received advice from one of us at the Independent Grocers.  Those people unfamiliar with our mandate took the postcards with contact information to get in touch with us for advice.

Everyone who volunteered agreed this event was a worthwhile and enjoyable endeavor!

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