At their May 14 2014 meeting the Northumberland Master Gardeners welcomed Shari -Lynn Shafir as quest speaker. Shari-Lynn is president of the greater Toronto Rose Society, a rose judge, landscaper and Master Gardener.
Shari-Lynn recognizes that many people have given up on growing roses, believing they require too much care. She encouraged everyone to try again as there are many new developments in roses, black-spot resistance, improved cold hardiness.
With a slide show of many beautiful roses and an interesting talk Shari-Lynn informed us that roses are the perfect garden plant. Roses come in every colour from the palest whites, pinks and yellows to the deepest reds, oranges and maroons. No blue or black yet.
Roses come in every size from small mini roses at just under 12 inches to large shrubs over four feet tall and of course climbing roses that will scale an arbor or wall.
Roses are one of the few perennials that can bloom from early summer right through to first frost.
With so much variety available there is rose for every garden.