Northumberland Master Gardener Annual General Meeting Aug 13 2014

Northumberland Master Gardeners held their Annual General Meeting on Aug 13, 2014 at Cobourg Legion Village Pub

New executive was chosen. It is the policy of  NMG that each member serves a one year term as secretary and then  a one year term as coordinator. Seniority determines   selection.

Committee Year End Reports:

Membership: 4 new members welcomed this year

Programme:  following speakers for 2014/15 have been booked

September- Dugald Cameron (Keukenhof), October – John Moore (Ornamental Shrubs), November – Dayna Smith (Sprouts), December – social,  January – member (Vegetable  Gardens), February – member  presentation, March – Marion Jean (Dahlias)

Peterborough Garden Show: All speakers for 2015 show have been booked. NMG is now also responsible for locating and booking demonstrations.

Travel: The 2014 Pennsylvania/Delaware trip was a great success. There are tentative plans for a June 2015 overnight  trip to Niagara and  May 2016 trip to Pennsylvania.

Volunteer Committment: NMG held  Advice Clinics at Warkworth Lilac Festival, Peterborough Garden Show and  Port Hope Your Independent Grocer. Plans are in place to hold Advice Clinics at Grafton 100 Mile Diet and Port Hope Fall Fair.

Membership in all standing committees was reviewed and revised.


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